C’Mon, is this really a Pertinent Analogy?

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These Analogies are just too ‘distant’ IMHO.  And they are everywhere, ie. Bamboo grows roots for 3 years then srouts 80 feet in the 4th year, Tiger Woods has a coach, etc … Quite ‘un-related’ to th e’point, interesting, insightful, etc … but too much of a ‘stretch’.  Maybe ‘m wrong.

Mythbusting: Four popular notions to rethink

Link: Mythbusting: Four popular notions to rethink

Quote1: “She starts with the example of soccer goalies defending against penalty kicks. You may have seen goalies dramatically dive to the right or left in many such situations. Vainly in most cases, she says, since goalies are successful only 12.6 per cent of the time when diving to the right and only slightly better, 14.2 per cent of the time, to the left. But goalies who don’t move stop the ball 33.3 per cent of the time.”

Quote2: ““There’s a beautiful concept in the Tao Te Ching – called Wu-wei … or non-doing, in Chinese, it literally means ‘doing nothing.’ So do yourself a favour this week – channel this concept of Wu-Wei – do less, kick that overused action bias to the curb, and watch how doing nothing is sometimes way, way better than doing something,” she concludes.