Wealth Headlines

Intro to Ruling the Quants

Intro to Ruling the Quants

Quantitative Models use proprietary models to increase their ability to beat the market; usually great during Bulls, but need Rules during Bears. Your Trusted Wealth Professional has access to these Rules and Models.

Nikkei — 28 Years Later

Nikkei — 28 Years Later

If you had bought at the Nikkei Peak in 1989, you would have had a -2.43% annual Rate of Return (28 years later).

Super Portfolio Star

Super Portfolio Star

Amateurs invent, Professionals Copy (see Gerry’s IntelliCap #1), but when it comes to Investing, you have Choice.

Leadership: CMCP – Complete Market Cycle Performance

Leadership: CMCP – Complete Market Cycle Performance

Leadership: I propose that the Regulators, on behalf of the Canadian Investors’ Community, adopt CMCP: Complete Market Cycle Performance. No more 1year,3year,5year and 10year performance metrics. Either CMCP or ‘N/R’ (not rated).

The Globe and Mail’s ETF Buyer’s Guide

The Globe and Mail’s ETF Buyer’s Guide

In general, the Buyer’s Guide for ETF’s, based on classification, contains data for Top Sector Weightings, Top Stock Holding, 1year, 3year and 5year returns, plus MER, TER and latest price. Lots more as well.