Leadership: CMCP – Complete Market Cycle Performance

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Are you being misled by yesterday’s performance data, especially in context of ‘past performance is no indicator of future performance’?

My suggestion, my way of providing Leadership to the Canadian Wealth Community, is that CMCP, Complete Market Cycle Performance, be the only Performance metric that is available to be shared with Canadian Retail Investors.  Two main reasons, one is that CMCP promotes Best Outcomes, by not chasing yesterday’s winners, and secondly, allows an apple-to-apple comparison of Timeframes.  Otherwise, the Sales Person, controls the displayed Performance, by choosing the Timeframes.

CMCP, Complete Market Cycle Performance, spans a complete Market Cycle, from the previous Bull Peak, through to Present.  There must be a ‘Full Bull’ in the Performance metrics.  This allows an honest and fair way of understanding how a Security/Fund/ETF performs through Bulls & Bears.  No more 1year, 3year, 5year and 10year Performance metrics. Either CMCP or ‘N/R’ (not rated).

If your current Advisor is not showing you CMCP, I suggest you use the Trusted Wealth Professional Locator and begin ‘leaving’ your Advisor. But that is just my opinion, guidance and leadership.  Please decide for yourself.  Worst case, use the TWP Locator, and start having a conversation about Performance during Bull and Bear markets (‘Capital Preservation’ is the term the High Net Worth investors utilize).